Physicist Dr. William Tiller, in the simplest terms this great scientist and professor emeritus of Stanford University has focused his life work on narrowing the gap between science and spirituality. But nothing about his work is simple.
I have often shook my head at scientific studies that seemed “flat” or linear or without enough depth to include human or subtle factors that really were part of the premise being explored. Yogis, spiritual teachers and Qi gong masters, now and for centuries, have profoundly articulated in the area of energy, chi, and the less “tangible” aspects of consciousness and spirit.
Science on the other hand has often steered clear of these subtle aspects of human life. There are winds of change and certainly the growing focus on energy medicine is one area where science is more open to “spirit” and energy – in part because the results are irrefutable! But Tiller has worked on abstract concepts for a structure that allows for integration of human consciousness into science’s analytical paradigm. He calls it Psychoenergetic Science. This “Copernican-scale revolution” which sees human influence as a factor in physical reality is not for the faint of heart!
Conceptually Tillers work is exhilarating. I was enthralled listening to him discuss his ideas at a conference in Los Angeles. He has created ways of evaluating and looking at consciousness and the unconscious, and spirit and energy which can be articulated in science.
The details and experiments are complicated and perhaps most comprehensible to those who are deeply rooted in physics and math. The person who is at home with the dynamics of consciousness and spirituality may wonder why bother with a quest to make science more comfortable within those realms? But surely the more holistic our thinking is in all realms of science and medicine, the more profoundly powerful and humanistic the beneficial outcomes will be.