Wisdom Guide ™ Susun Weed is a powerhouse teaching and sharing her knowledge and respect for herbs that nourish and support healthy living. Her reach has been substantial through books, a newsletter, a rich website complete with instructional videos (check her on you tube), print articles, workshops, wise woman forums, distance teaching programs and apprenticeships.
Nourish is a term she uses with frequent emphasis. It reflects her oft stated position on the use herbs for “nourishment” rather than as a medical prescription to treat an illness.
I learned so much from workshops with fiery Susun in Saugerties where I pictured her as Erda, the earth goddess from Wagner’s Ring. Also from the Ring, Ash Tree, considered the source of all wisdom and power, is name of Susun’s press.
Making Herbal Infusions
One of the valuable and practical things I learned from Susun that I’d like to share is how to make herbal infusions.
Herbal infusions are much more potent than tea, yet are so simple to make. Just put one ounce of dry herb into a quart glass jar (Pyrex or one made to withstand heat) and fill with boiling water. Cover and allow to steep for at least 4 hours. Strain the dry herbs (great to add to the compost) and refrigerate the infusion. It’s so easy.
I like making my infusion at night so it’s ready in the morning.You can drink your infusions at room temperature, warm or refrigerated or with ice. I like room temp in the winter and prefer them as a cooling drink with ice in the summer.
Please use organic herbs for infusions and stick with gentle nourishing teas herbs like nettle, oat straw and red clover. Check Susun’s suggestions for herbs appropriate for infusions and do not use herbs which could be toxic in concentration or are extremely strong, could over stimulate, or could impact respiration or alertness. I like to use Hibiscus (many studies show it lowers blood pressure) and nettle (full of minerals) for my infusions and I purchase dry herb from www.frontiercoop.com among others.