There is a lot I love about Dannion. Following a near death experience from a lightning strike, that left him officially dead for 28 minutes, he describes his inner journey with powerful clarity and with a voice of country charm and humor.
His detailed after death descriptions jive with the teachings of yogi masters. His account of seeing his entire life instantly in retrospect without judgment is similarly described by others with NDE’s (near death experiences). He calls it a “panoramic life review.” He recounts “beings of light” and a feeling deep love during the experience.
Dannion’s changed consciousness held a call to help others that resulted in his creating a volunteer program called the Twilight Brigade to help veterans face the transition from life to death with companionship. “Our mission, Compassion in Action, is to insure that no veteran dies alone…” and “we must think war unthinkable.”
A hospice volunteer for 33 years, Dannion has spent more than 26,000 hours at the bedside of dying veterans. He has been with 375 people when they drew their last breath. Tens of thousands of veterans die monthly. I hope that the plight of the many among them who die alone will inspire some of you to volunteer for Twilight Brigade or similar organizations.
Dannion’s commitment to a life full of love and giving is a reminder to use our time well and illustrates how much one individual can impact the lives of others. Finally, another endearing trait of Dannion’s is his way of addressing each person as “a great, powerful and mighty spiritual being.”