Mind ● Body ● Spirit ● Nature
This site is dedicated to the sharing of a world of knowledge and wisdom about spirituality and insight, health and healing and nature and ecology.
What’s a Wisdom Guide™? It is a mentor and leader whose work opens us to profound information, new ways of thinking and being, and inspires us to live to our fullest. A Wisdom Guide™ can also be a book, a poem, a prayer, a video, music, or even a kind word!
Each wonderful Wisdom Guide™ featured here, educated, inspired or healed me during my seeking, studying and working around the world. Some have simply thrilled me with their presence or elevated insight, others taught me how to shake off habits and limitations, helped me heal and filled my life with joy.
Who am I? I am an explorer, a lifetime learner, a seeker of synthesis, and a lover of nature with a Masters Degree in Health and Healing, trained in energy healing, and with a background in anthropology. I was a Fulbright Scholar, with many awards for my art and writing and in the past I was a consultant for UNIDO, USAID and Aid to Artisans.
My decades of work in dusty villages (in Himalayan realms, Gilgit , Hunza, Samarkand, countless Indian villages, the Negev, and more) and the extraordinary experiences meeting with many teachers and wisdom guides is what I yearn to share here. Those monks, masters, healers and simple folk, shared core concepts that transcend cultural and global boundaries.
Everything I studied in anthropology about cultural differences was recalibrated in a flash when a Bedouin woman squatting by me at a dusty camel stop wordlessly fingered my ears to count the earring holes and compared them to her heavily pierced earlobe. I got it.
It’s not our differences, but our similarities that link us together as brothers and sisters on this beautiful planet.
In Alexandra’s Story you can read my personal stories about working in rural villages, exploring spiritual experiences, discovering natural healing methods, forging in the woods and connecting with masters.
Some of my favorites include studies with the Dalai Lama, climbing in the Kumon mountains looking for herbs while eagles glided overhead, witnessing star-lit skies in high mountain Themisgang Ladakh after celebrating the birthday of Buddha, hopping a cement laden helicopter flown by Russian bush pilots to go into Napali mountain villages where pure “frost covered” papers are made for special Buddhist texts, learning Kaya Kalpa yoga longevity secrets atop a dusty Delhi roof, staying in Gandhi’s leprosy hospital in Wardha to learn more about his work, bringing artisans together from around the world to learn from each other, watching dawn light the Omayyad Mosque in Damascus, seeing the thousand petal lotus in meditation, recovering from Lyme disease through complementary and natural treatments, and on and on.
Why have this website? I look forward to being a part of a dialog about the synthesis of world wisdom, natural health, reverence for the earth and spiritual traditions. I hope we can share inspiration and insight.
FREE add your own wisdom gems: This site allows visitors to forward insights, information or events that may be added to:
Share Wisdom, Share Prayer, Free or Shop, Events to Consider
Please send related information to: alexandra@alexandrasoteriou.com.
Wisdom Guide™ topics for Health and Healing include: natural health, natural healing, nutrition, nutritional health, nutritional healing traditional medicine, herbal medicine, medicinal herbs, Ayurvedic medicine, Ayurveda , energy medicine, energy healing, spiritual healing, yoga, insights from Integrative medicine (also referred to as complementary medicine, holistic medicine or alternative medicine), vitamins, wellness, exercise, essential oils, weight loss or control, Ondamed, and more.
We will continually add Guides, such as: Dr. Norm Shealy, Bruce Lipton (epigenetics) The Graduate Institute.
Wisdom Guide™ topics for Mind and Spirit include:
Meditation, yoga, kriya yoga, kundalini yoga, prayer, qi gong, affirmations, inspiration, prayers, personal growth, mantras, pranayama, relaxations techniques, sound healing, quotations and wisdom, poetry, empowerment.
We will continually add Guides, such as: The Dalai Lama, Dannion Brinkley, Valerie V. Hunt, Joe Dispenza, Master Peng
Wisdom Guide™ topics for Nature and Science include:
Gaia, Tree Whispering, herbal medicine, ecology, organic gardening, the new physics.
We will continually add Guides, such as: The Tree Whisperer, James J. Conroy, Susun Weed, The Gentle Barn, William Tiller.